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How To Cure Erectile Dysfunction with Foods
Erectile dysfunction disorder was once known as impotence. Today, the term is rarely used, is considered obsolete, and has a deprecating connotation.
How common is erectile dysfunction?
Many men experience erection problems. For some, these problems are not pronounced and occur infrequently. While for some they are pronounced and occur frequently. One in ten men aged 18 to 40 experience erectile dysfunction.
Leafy green vegetables
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. Emotional, physical, or psychological problems can cause it.
To help with impotence, some lifestyle modifications can be done, such as losing weight and quitting smoking. But there are also foods that can help with erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow. One of these foods is leafy green vegetables like spinach and lettuce. These will help increase the flow of blood inside your body. This…