Member-only story
How To Cope with Invisible Illnesses and Depression
You can live life around supportive friends and family, individuals who are there for you no matter how busy their lives may be. You feel their love and you receive their ongoing support, however, living life with an invisible disorder can feel like a “life of loneliness.” Despite all the support, all the love you may receive’ life with limitations, pain, and suffering can be very draining and depressing. Many people with invisible illnesses walk around hiding the pain they feel inside both emotionally and physically. Many hide their pain with the false grinning faces that they wear on a daily basis. Including myself. And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter. They are so rustic, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept inside your small dark soul. These are the ones you created inside yourself. In a space in your heart where the painful emotions have lingered for so long. Yes, there is joy, love, laughter fulfillment, and companionship in your life- however, the dreary emotions that have build up inside your soul for so long have caused you to experience the pain and loneliness caused by your illness. It’s become horrible and overpowering. I know because I battle with the invisible illness known as epilepsy. On the outside, I look so normal. No one would ever expect that I battle a chronic…